Sunday, December 20, 2009


I saw it Saturday morning. I saw it in 3d. I don't want to review this movie. I want you to go see it. There is so much hate and hyperbole swirling around this movie. It's tiring and distracts you from the actual movie. I absolutely loved it and I will see it again when I am off next week. It was really good. It is one of those things that will not be as good at home on our little tvs. This was meant to be seen at the theater. I did think it was as good as Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. I'll stop there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I unexpectedly came across this 3 pack of awesomeness the other day. You can bet I giggled like a 4 year old girl when it's glory assaulted my eye-balls. How seriously cool is this? I'll tell you...It's totally fricking awesome. Apache Chief was my favorite SuperFriend. Black Vulcan was alright and Samurai was ok too. While I have a couple of the figures from this line (Vigilante and Blue Devil), I don't follow what is coming out and what isn't. But overall it's an awesome line. So I was really shocked to see the "Lets add ethnic Superfriends! to the show" characters get toys. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as they actually have a large black woman action figure. I forget who she is exactly, but I remember her being on the show. But I digress. Thank you Justice League Unlimited for gifting me a toy of an obscure super hero I liked as a child. Now he and Blue Devil can gang up on my Star Wars figures and take over the Big Millennium Falcon......Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......Oh Damn! Please excuse me whilst I "Clean up". (gross)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Steven Seagal: Fat Deputy Sheriff...

Steven Seagal: Fat Deputy mean "Lawman". Wow...was this show bad. So bad that I will most likely watch it for a while. What a prick.... Which doesn't surprise me at all. What I can't believe is that the real deputies he works with don't just kill him. At one point, he says that he works in the "'jects" as in "Projects". Who the fuck says "'Jects"? It sounds like some white bread first time author trying to make up street slang. Thunderbutt, I mean Mr. Seagal, spends the whole show pontificating and otherwise talking down to the viewer. Anyone who has seen even one episode of "Cops" has more police knowledge than Deputy Lardass. I was really amused with how he describes himself as a Master Marksman and then he goes on to brag about shooting a target from like 3 feet away. "See? I can shoot a match. I"M SOOO FUCKING AWESOME!!!" What a tool. I love how the guy he is "helping" calls him "Chief". Dumpling also makes sure to mention that he is a "life long practitioner of the martial arts" at least 50 times. He is really a practitioner of breathing heavy when he jogs. You'd think he would be in better shape since he is a "life long practitioner of the martial arts". He comes across as more of a "life long practitioner of eating Krispy Kremes" and being a dickhead. So yeah...check this show out so you can be completely sure that you made the right decision in not paying any attention to him after 1992. Sadly, he did not break anyone's arm backwards in this episode. Hopefully it happens next episode. WA-CHA! JUDO-CHOP! me a jelly!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fame! I'm gunna live for-eva!

Ok, Ok, hold the applause. I'm internet famous now. Well...sorta. I got a picture on This was my latest goal in life. The last being to get a snarky quip on the TV show Web Soup (done). So....what now?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Peanut Butter and Chocolate

I defy any proud nerd out there to say this isn't something you'd love to see in movie form. Don't act like you haven't had this dream. We all know that Logan could kick Biff's ass any time. Now make like a tree and SNIKT!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The most vile, retarded "Father" in the universe.

I just read an article about how some idiot named d'Armond Speers taught his son Klingon as the poor kid's first language. He spoke only Klingon to the child till he was 3. I really think that Child Protective Services should intervene here. He has basically, permanently, disabled this child. His brain is now wired....HARD think in Klingon. Sure, he could learn whatever language they speak where this poor child lives. But his native language will ALWAYS be Klingon! This child will now have a permanent impediment to understanding his regionally native language. This kind of thing sounds a lot the like the really horrible early psychology "experiments" done by people like B.F. Skinner. There is a reason these kinds of "experiments" are considered unethical. So good luck Baby Boy Speers. I hope you don't suffer more from your "dad's" massive stupidity. Although, you can't call someone who would do this "Father". Unfortunately, unless you can be removed from this situation, you are more than likely to have other horrible, unethical, and cruel "experiments" performed on you. For that I am sorry. And hey, d'Armond Speers, go fuck yourself you malevolent retard! I love science fiction too. I REALLY do...but you are a fuckwit. It's called science "FICTION" for a reason. Klingon is not real, nor is it acceptable to believe it is. It is not a vaild or useful language. Get a fucking life. I wish you ill.

Monday, November 16, 2009

2012: Gotta pee? Tough shit..this one's a bladder buster

Haven't seen "2012" yet? Well too bad. Don't read on if you don't want any spoilers. But really, spoilers won't matter as there is very little plot. And what "plot" there is is mostly dumb and in many cases, simply tacked on to add "Character Depth". Listen, seriously, this movie is not to be taken seriously. It's dumb, loud, and just plain awesome. Take your brain out and see it on the big screen where the surround sound can render you deaf and the explosions can burn their way into your retinas. Thats what it is all about. So whats bad about it: The length - this fucker is 2 hours and 40 minutes long, the plot, the extraneous family crap, the horrible science, and the theft of plot points from other movies (Drinking game: chug a beer every time you see something stolen from another you'll get wicked pissed and have to go to the emergency room! Woot-woo!). The good: the special effects are fucking righteous and the destruction. The destruction was cool. I LOVE destruction movies. However, I was a little taken aback by seeing all the little digital people plummet to their deaths from bridges, buildings and what not. I kept getting little "9-11" flashbacks and that made me a little squirmy. I also got a little tired of the escape plane flying below the earthquake edges. It seemed like they REALLY needed to pull back on the yoke. Some high points for me: The jumping limo, the jumping RV, the subway train shooting out of the wall of the earthquake and flying over the escape plane, the Yellowstone explosion. The movie left me with a lot of questions like would someone in a submarine survive? Why did they put the arks in china? Why did the Russian chick have to die - it seemed strange? Did Dog the Bounty Hunter say aloha to Hawaii before it went all Pele? Could Chuck Norris have side kicked the earth into submission and saved everyone. Where there any porn stars on the arks? Why was the guy played by Oliver Platt such a douche. It seemed like he eviled up only so that the bad guy from "Serenity" could have his "Hey! Don't be a douche! Let everyone into the arks!" Speech. Also, if you ever build an ark like that , don't make is so you can't turn on the propellers if one of the doors is open a crack. Just dumb. Oh yeah, if you fly around giraffes and Rhinos under a helocopter in the himalayan night air they will die. Dumbass.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1989 Here I Come!

Oh baby! Lately, I have been looking for a pair of retro hightops. I wore shoes like this all through highschool and college. Man, they were comfortable. Well Airwalk and Payless shoes have come to my rescue. Once you get rid of the lame Starfleet logo on the laces (It looks removable) then these blue bad boys rock. And unlike other brands (ahem, cough Nike, cough) they dont cost several hundred dollars. For that kind of money, they's better come with a "happy ending". So soon, they will be mine. Oh yes, they will be mine. If only British Knights would come back. Then there would be peace and happiness throughout the universe.

UPDATE: British Knights are still around and not hard to find on the web. So there goes my theory about universal peace.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Douche on the Loose

Gather my children and you shall be told
Of someone who lived with his mother
And he was thirty four years old!
“Thirty four years old!?” you exclaim
With a snort and a scowl. Yes my dear child
It’s true and it’s foul.

But that man’s no child! There’s no way that’s true!
But alas little buddy, between me and you,
He lived with his mommy, there was nothing we could do.

Well, he could have lived near and he could have lived far
But he convinced the whore Sleeza to buy him a car.
And when the whore cheated, as we all knew she would
What did Douche do? Well, he did what he could!

He sweet talked his mommy and moved his ass in.
He lived in the basement with a shit eating grin.
He didn’t pay rent, not the douche, there’s no way.
He got off scott free, not a cent did he pay.

He spent all his money on booze, pot and pool
And made his poor mommy into a blind fool.
Despite her all her rules, the second she left
He brought the whore “home” and put his dick in her cleft

To top it all off, you know what he did?
He moved his sweet car into Mom’s own car shed
And where did Mom’s car go? Youre scratchin’ your head?
Well out in the street. What’d you think? He'd rather be dead!!

So the years passed and he saved up his dough
He bought a house near his brother, away did he go.
And theories were passed about who really bought it
Was it him or his mommy? It shouldn’t matter or ought it?

It really does matter who paid for that house
As the whore he will move in and not a good spouse
To put a tail on this story: like the train’s own caboose
Everyone should beware of the Douche on the Loose.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

THEY (Sesame Street) are out to get me.....

So remember yesterday when I got a little mental about Cookie Monster? Well I log in this morning and this is what I see in my browser:

Apparently, they know....

I have had to pee REALLY bad today and I'm afraid to go to the bathroom. Who will be waiting for me in there? Staring at me with his cold, dead, googly eyes?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

G.I. JOE: The Rise of Oh SHIT! BOOM!

OK. I admit it. I'm a full on retard. I saw this one in the theater and today...I bought it on DVD. It's not the worst movie I own. Hell, I own "Battlefield Earth". That movie is so bad that every time someone watches it God kills a kitten. But, in my defense, in the 8th grade, I LOVED that book. This was before I knew about Xenu and junk. So sue me. And sue John Revolta. Shame on him for raping, in the heiny, that great book. But I digress. G.I. Joe is better when you forget the G.I. Joe part and just imagine it as a cool actiony movie. Which it is...for the most part. To fix it: 1) Remove all relation to G.I. Joe. 2) Shoot Marlon "Movie Death" Wayons into the sun. 3) Time travel back to that fateful day and poke Brendan Fraiser in the eye on the way to the set. Shame on him for stopping that movie dead in its tracks with his corn pone "Cameo". I'm going to coin a term here: Blameo. A Blameo is when a "famous" actor has a "cameo" that has the effect of stoppingthe movie so they can scream "BLAM BITCHES! Look at me! I'm in "Insert shitty movie title here!" I hate those. Seriously. They are lame. Stop it. And also stop remaking and or reimaging movies. We liked them (or hated them) the first time. So Hollywood, fucking stop it.Back to G.I.J.:T.R.O.C. It was fun-ish. I genrally didn't hate it. Which is sad.

This rant was brought to you by the letter "Fuck"

So I was sitting here eating some sugar free cookies that don't make me fart too much. I was thinking about the Cookie Monster and about how now he spouts off about how "Cookies are a sometimes snack". That is so sad. Fuck that bullshit. Cookies are a goddamn all the motherfucking time snack you screwed up Sesame Street Mother Fuckers! Yeah, kids are fat. Well maybe that has more to do with the fact that, in many households, both parents have to work to get by and that kids can't play in their front yards any more because perverts abduct them. So yeah, kids are more chunky these days. But the fucking Cookie Monster is not the fucking Tofu Monster. Where is the goddamn wonder of being a kid? They ought to let Oscar the Grouch take care of the fucking pervs in "his way" and fix the economy so a parent can be at home. That would help more than castrating the Cookie Monster. Let that blue bastard eat all the mother fucking cookies he wants. C is for "Cookie" and that's damn well good enough for everyone. Fuck that shit. Give that son of a bitch all the cookies he wants. You only get to be kid once. Shit...I bet Burt and Ernie aren't even gay anymore.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I gots me a new toy - Avatar Scorpion Chopper

So I picked one of these beauties last weekend from Toys R Us for the mere sum of $27. What's good? Everything. What's not? I can't climb into it and fly around raining down death on my enemies. I was really surprised by this toy. First of all you need a plasma cutter to get into the damn box. Seriously Mattel, the boxes for this toy line suck! There are no easy to open, taped panels like every other toy in creation. Once you carve your way into the box you find that, apparently, Mattel hired an engineer from the future to cram the disassembled toy into the honey comb of packing compartments. Once you free the 400 million pieces, it takes but a few minutes to assemble the whole she-bang. The packing really is a blessing and a curse. Cons: Pain in the ass to open Pros: more toy in box than you'd expect. Once assembled, you get a vehicle that is second only to the worshiped Drop Ship from Cameron's opus "Aliens". I FUCKING love the Drop Ship. Seriously, I would marry it. The Scorpion Chopper is a close second. My only real complaint is the thinness of the plastic on the tail fins...They were a little warped on mine....That was fixed quickly with a little careful pressure. I quickly found my self "testing" the toy by flying it around the ManCave and attacking all my star wars ships and batmobiles. If you've been to my cave (That sounds dirty, snicker) you'd know how much fun I have doing such nonsense. I certainly hope the movie is awsome so it doesnt tarnish the wicked cool design of this toy. Screw you Mongorians! You stay away from my shitty toy!

Anvil: Hey is that a painting of shit?

So I finally got to see the documentery "Anvil: The Story of Anvil: Featuring Anvil: With Songs by Anvil: Not to be confused with Anvil: The Metal Working Tool". Although really, Rob and Lips of Anvil (Featuring Anvil) are Metal Working Tools. Hey, they love metal, they have jobs, and they are tools. See? That really was clever. Suck it. Anyway, I'm not sure why I was so all-fired up to see this movie. I guess it's because it seemed like the "Rudy" (Sniffle) of the Heavy Metal world. And since Heavy Metal is the "Rudy" (I'm not crying SHUT UP!) of the music world I was all ready to see them get their one Goddamn play in the forsaken game (Damn you Rudy Rudiger!) Every metal dawg should get his day. Even if that dog appears to be at least mildly retarded (Lips) or borderline autistic (Rob). I'm not sure that I would ever have been a fan of this band. But now, thanks to this fucking movie, I can't get the phrase "Me-tal on meh-tuhl" out of my head. That makes me want to kill a kitten. Because, really, it's not a great song. And since they really only play that song like 5000 times in the movie, its the only Anvil: The Story of Anvil song I know.....Except the first 30 Seconds of "Thumb Hang". I did see their album (made in the movie) "This is Thirteen" the other day at Worst Buy. I didn't buy it. I was buying Rammstein's new and FUCKINGAWESOME disc "Liebe is fur alle da" (Or something like that. I don't speak Klingon so I can't remember it off the top of my head and I don't have the pervy CD cover in front of me. K'Plaugh!) They had like 10 copies of it and NONE of the other 12. I suspect this is for a good reason. I guess I sound pretty negative. But here's the facts: I loved the movie (It's like the best "Behind the Music" ever! (Screw you Pantera!)), I felt like Rob and Lips and G5 and Other Guy deserved a break. They seemed like nice dudes and they sure as hell have put their hearts and souls into making this band work and making the music they love. So More power too them. Eventually, I'll buy an album just do my share and help their kids get new winter boots since they live in Canada and everyone knows that it snows 24x7x365 in the Great White North! (Take off eh!) Also, once again, we learn that everyone in Japan is bugnutz crazy and they love the really bad heavy metal music in the worst way. Amen. See the movie or you won't get it when me and my brother in law make "Thumb Hang" jokes.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Holy Cow

This crazy woman REALLY FUCKING HATES telemarketers. A LOT! Enjoy.

Holy Cans Batman!

The cleaning crew in my office left us this trash can and this note. I'm really enjoying trying to figure out what they meant. I guess they, unlike that guy in "The Jerk", do not hate cans.

Hey, don't you have an airbrush?

Ok...This tailgate "Mural" is a good example of why you don't let your high school dropout brother-in-law airbrush anything on anything you own. If, like this genius, you do, you will end up with something that looks like something a stoner/burnout would scribble on his textbook in 1987. All it needs is "KROKUS" stenciled over it to REALLY pop. Since you really can't see all the gorgeous detail I'll try to fill you in. All the skullz have mouthz jammed with pointy teethz. They also appear to all be connected to each other with electrical wirez. At the bottom, there appear to be spoonz of some sort. I'm guessing that this may be a drug reference. Or maybe the "Arteest" choose spoonz over the more common metal theme of battle axes and swordz because, Cousin, they hurt more. We'll never know for sure (I hope). Enjoy

Paranormal Activity: So scary you'll get ass cancer.....not

I saw "Paranormal Activity" last weekend. How was it? It was ok and looked like it cost a LOT more than the $11000 that is cost to make it. The ads and the internet hype makes this movie sound like it's sooooo scccaarrryyyyy and you will vomit out your bones in fear. Seriously, the hype reminded me of those movies in the 60's where they said they had a nurse in theater in case you had a heart attack from fear. So was it scary? To me, not so much. But that is in large part due to the fact that I've been fond of horror movies my whole life. I was scared by "The Exorcist" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" because I saw them when I was like 8 or 9. Which is wayyyyyy to early to watch those movies. Thanks cable TV! (BOK, BOK!) I also generally watch ALL the paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the sensationalist "Paranormal State". Man "Paranormal State" would have us believe that every house, library, shoe store and outhouse has a demon in it waiting to make us eat flaming hot cheetos and other evil shit. Soooo.....If you dont watch those shows this movie will most likely scare you a little. What is good about it is that it really does a good job of cycling up the creep factor. I don't want to spoil it for you so I won't go into details. But I will say that the boyfriend is a tool. So you may want to rent this one and stay up late on a windy night and watch it. I won't be buying it on video. It's pretty much a one trick pony.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Recently, I discovered that what I really want to be when I grow up is a member of the band "Five Finger Death Punch". Why? Because I too am a wounded bunny who is tired of bowing to the MAN and what not...sniffle. Anyway, I got their sophmore release "War is the Answer" the day it came out. No thanks to Target and Walmart. Both of which were too weak in the crotch to sell this most excellent album. Now normally, I'm not into the gutteral sound of much of what is considered "Metal" these days. Most of the time I do just fine with the likes of Iron Maiden and Queenryche thank you very much for asking. But really, who can deny the joy that is songs like "White Knuckles" and "Canto"? Only poosays. That's who. They of the crotch taco. get the idea. Listening to this music is like standing on top of a mountain, holding your battle axe in one hand and screaming threats at the gods. In your other hand you swing your 42 inch dong round and round in circles whilst the lightning crashes around you. And you fear not...for you are become death, the destroyer of worlds. All your enemies are driven before and you drink in the lamentations of their women. This is a good thing. Buy the albums of Five Finger Death Punch and rejoice. Now I've read quite a few reviews of the band's albums and people who consider themselves "Hardcore" call this band "Laughable". I drop an FBOMB! on you. I can't take the opions of a 12 year old "extreme metal" fan to heart. A pox on their undropped testicles.

First Post

Welcome. Woot! Hey, I have an idea: Let's all get "To the EXTREME!" on Slurm and talk about stuff that I like. Excellent stuff such as: Heavy Metal Music, Science Fiction and Fantasy books and movies and action figures. Don't want to do that? Well, FBOMB! on you! TO THE EXTREME! Now lets all run around in circles until we pass out.