Wednesday, November 4, 2009

G.I. JOE: The Rise of Oh SHIT! BOOM!

OK. I admit it. I'm a full on retard. I saw this one in the theater and today...I bought it on DVD. It's not the worst movie I own. Hell, I own "Battlefield Earth". That movie is so bad that every time someone watches it God kills a kitten. But, in my defense, in the 8th grade, I LOVED that book. This was before I knew about Xenu and junk. So sue me. And sue John Revolta. Shame on him for raping, in the heiny, that great book. But I digress. G.I. Joe is better when you forget the G.I. Joe part and just imagine it as a cool actiony movie. Which it is...for the most part. To fix it: 1) Remove all relation to G.I. Joe. 2) Shoot Marlon "Movie Death" Wayons into the sun. 3) Time travel back to that fateful day and poke Brendan Fraiser in the eye on the way to the set. Shame on him for stopping that movie dead in its tracks with his corn pone "Cameo". I'm going to coin a term here: Blameo. A Blameo is when a "famous" actor has a "cameo" that has the effect of stoppingthe movie so they can scream "BLAM BITCHES! Look at me! I'm in "Insert shitty movie title here!" I hate those. Seriously. They are lame. Stop it. And also stop remaking and or reimaging movies. We liked them (or hated them) the first time. So Hollywood, fucking stop it.Back to G.I.J.:T.R.O.C. It was fun-ish. I genrally didn't hate it. Which is sad.

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