Thursday, November 12, 2009

1989 Here I Come!

Oh baby! Lately, I have been looking for a pair of retro hightops. I wore shoes like this all through highschool and college. Man, they were comfortable. Well Airwalk and Payless shoes have come to my rescue. Once you get rid of the lame Starfleet logo on the laces (It looks removable) then these blue bad boys rock. And unlike other brands (ahem, cough Nike, cough) they dont cost several hundred dollars. For that kind of money, they's better come with a "happy ending". So soon, they will be mine. Oh yes, they will be mine. If only British Knights would come back. Then there would be peace and happiness throughout the universe.

UPDATE: British Knights are still around and not hard to find on the web. So there goes my theory about universal peace.

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