Thursday, November 19, 2009

The most vile, retarded "Father" in the universe.

I just read an article about how some idiot named d'Armond Speers taught his son Klingon as the poor kid's first language. He spoke only Klingon to the child till he was 3. I really think that Child Protective Services should intervene here. He has basically, permanently, disabled this child. His brain is now wired....HARD think in Klingon. Sure, he could learn whatever language they speak where this poor child lives. But his native language will ALWAYS be Klingon! This child will now have a permanent impediment to understanding his regionally native language. This kind of thing sounds a lot the like the really horrible early psychology "experiments" done by people like B.F. Skinner. There is a reason these kinds of "experiments" are considered unethical. So good luck Baby Boy Speers. I hope you don't suffer more from your "dad's" massive stupidity. Although, you can't call someone who would do this "Father". Unfortunately, unless you can be removed from this situation, you are more than likely to have other horrible, unethical, and cruel "experiments" performed on you. For that I am sorry. And hey, d'Armond Speers, go fuck yourself you malevolent retard! I love science fiction too. I REALLY do...but you are a fuckwit. It's called science "FICTION" for a reason. Klingon is not real, nor is it acceptable to believe it is. It is not a vaild or useful language. Get a fucking life. I wish you ill.

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