Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paranormal Activity: So scary you'll get ass cancer.....not

I saw "Paranormal Activity" last weekend. How was it? It was ok and looked like it cost a LOT more than the $11000 that is cost to make it. The ads and the internet hype makes this movie sound like it's sooooo scccaarrryyyyy and you will vomit out your bones in fear. Seriously, the hype reminded me of those movies in the 60's where they said they had a nurse in theater in case you had a heart attack from fear. So was it scary? To me, not so much. But that is in large part due to the fact that I've been fond of horror movies my whole life. I was scared by "The Exorcist" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" because I saw them when I was like 8 or 9. Which is wayyyyyy to early to watch those movies. Thanks cable TV! (BOK, BOK!) I also generally watch ALL the paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the sensationalist "Paranormal State". Man "Paranormal State" would have us believe that every house, library, shoe store and outhouse has a demon in it waiting to make us eat flaming hot cheetos and other evil shit. Soooo.....If you dont watch those shows this movie will most likely scare you a little. What is good about it is that it really does a good job of cycling up the creep factor. I don't want to spoil it for you so I won't go into details. But I will say that the boyfriend is a tool. So you may want to rent this one and stay up late on a windy night and watch it. I won't be buying it on video. It's pretty much a one trick pony.

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