Friday, October 30, 2009

I gots me a new toy - Avatar Scorpion Chopper

So I picked one of these beauties last weekend from Toys R Us for the mere sum of $27. What's good? Everything. What's not? I can't climb into it and fly around raining down death on my enemies. I was really surprised by this toy. First of all you need a plasma cutter to get into the damn box. Seriously Mattel, the boxes for this toy line suck! There are no easy to open, taped panels like every other toy in creation. Once you carve your way into the box you find that, apparently, Mattel hired an engineer from the future to cram the disassembled toy into the honey comb of packing compartments. Once you free the 400 million pieces, it takes but a few minutes to assemble the whole she-bang. The packing really is a blessing and a curse. Cons: Pain in the ass to open Pros: more toy in box than you'd expect. Once assembled, you get a vehicle that is second only to the worshiped Drop Ship from Cameron's opus "Aliens". I FUCKING love the Drop Ship. Seriously, I would marry it. The Scorpion Chopper is a close second. My only real complaint is the thinness of the plastic on the tail fins...They were a little warped on mine....That was fixed quickly with a little careful pressure. I quickly found my self "testing" the toy by flying it around the ManCave and attacking all my star wars ships and batmobiles. If you've been to my cave (That sounds dirty, snicker) you'd know how much fun I have doing such nonsense. I certainly hope the movie is awsome so it doesnt tarnish the wicked cool design of this toy. Screw you Mongorians! You stay away from my shitty toy!

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