Friday, October 30, 2009

Anvil: Hey is that a painting of shit?

So I finally got to see the documentery "Anvil: The Story of Anvil: Featuring Anvil: With Songs by Anvil: Not to be confused with Anvil: The Metal Working Tool". Although really, Rob and Lips of Anvil (Featuring Anvil) are Metal Working Tools. Hey, they love metal, they have jobs, and they are tools. See? That really was clever. Suck it. Anyway, I'm not sure why I was so all-fired up to see this movie. I guess it's because it seemed like the "Rudy" (Sniffle) of the Heavy Metal world. And since Heavy Metal is the "Rudy" (I'm not crying SHUT UP!) of the music world I was all ready to see them get their one Goddamn play in the forsaken game (Damn you Rudy Rudiger!) Every metal dawg should get his day. Even if that dog appears to be at least mildly retarded (Lips) or borderline autistic (Rob). I'm not sure that I would ever have been a fan of this band. But now, thanks to this fucking movie, I can't get the phrase "Me-tal on meh-tuhl" out of my head. That makes me want to kill a kitten. Because, really, it's not a great song. And since they really only play that song like 5000 times in the movie, its the only Anvil: The Story of Anvil song I know.....Except the first 30 Seconds of "Thumb Hang". I did see their album (made in the movie) "This is Thirteen" the other day at Worst Buy. I didn't buy it. I was buying Rammstein's new and FUCKINGAWESOME disc "Liebe is fur alle da" (Or something like that. I don't speak Klingon so I can't remember it off the top of my head and I don't have the pervy CD cover in front of me. K'Plaugh!) They had like 10 copies of it and NONE of the other 12. I suspect this is for a good reason. I guess I sound pretty negative. But here's the facts: I loved the movie (It's like the best "Behind the Music" ever! (Screw you Pantera!)), I felt like Rob and Lips and G5 and Other Guy deserved a break. They seemed like nice dudes and they sure as hell have put their hearts and souls into making this band work and making the music they love. So More power too them. Eventually, I'll buy an album just do my share and help their kids get new winter boots since they live in Canada and everyone knows that it snows 24x7x365 in the Great White North! (Take off eh!) Also, once again, we learn that everyone in Japan is bugnutz crazy and they love the really bad heavy metal music in the worst way. Amen. See the movie or you won't get it when me and my brother in law make "Thumb Hang" jokes.

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