Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was sitting here this morning mindlessly trying to get through the day. When, out of nowhere, I realized that I was singing the Ewok Celebration song from the original ending to "Return of the Jedi". While I was glad I was no longer stuck with that lame Taylor Swift song, I was a little annoyed that I will now be singing that damn song for the next week. Just to be helpful, I am posting the lyrics (yes, someone took the time to phonetically write them out. And people call me a nerd.) to help you get through your day:

The Ewok's Celebration Theme

Ewokese lyrics by Benn Burtt

Ewok Lyrics

Yub nub, eee chop yub nub;
Ah toe meet toe peechee keene,
G'noop dock fling oh ah.
Yahwah, eee chop yahwah;
Ah toe meet toe peechee keene,
G'noop dock fling oh ah.
Coatee chah tu yub nub;
Coatee chah tu yahwah;
Coatee chah tu glowah;
Allay loo ta nuv.
Glowah, eee chop glowah;
Ya glowah pee chu nee foam,
Ah toot dee awe goon daa.
*Coatee cha tu goo; (Yub nub!)
Coatee cha tu doo; (Yahwah!)
Coatee cha tu too; (Ya chaa!)
Allay loo ta nuv,
Allay loo ta nuv,
Allay loo ta nuv.
Glowah, eee chop glowah.
Ya glowah pee chu nee foam
Ah toot dee awe goon daa.
repeat *chorus

Basic Lyrics

Freedom, we got freedom;
And now that we can be free,
Come on and celebrate.
Power, we got power;
And now that we can be free,
It's time to celebrate.
Celebrate the freedom;
Celebrate the power;
Celebrate the glory;
Celebrate the love.
Power, we got power;
And now that we can be free,
It's time to celebrate.
*Celebrate the light; (Freedom!)
Celebrate the might; (Power!)
Celebrate the fight; (Glory!)
Celebrate the love.
Celebrate the love.
Celebrate the love.
Glory, we found glory.
The power showed us the light,
And now we all live free.
repeat *chorus

Shame on you Ben Burtt. R2-D2's bleeps and bloops were way cool.....Ee-CHUTAH!

Note: Growing up I was always irritated by the parts that went like this: "Allay loo ta nuv". I always thought that it was a lame attempt to fit a sound-a-like for "hallelujah" into the celebration song. Lame George Lucas. But this version of the song is still better than the new one they crammed down our throats.

Also, screw you Taylor Swift. I hate your damn whiny "why doesn't he love me" song. It's simple: You have huge, gross Gollum feet and you are stalking him.
She is the Cheer Captain. I bet she puts out too. Maybe if you tarted yourself up a bit and were less creepy he might notice you. La-la-la-la-la..that song will not get in my head...la-la-la-la! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER OF PUPPETS IS PULLING YOUR STRINGS!

PPS: yub-nub means Freedom. Seriously? I haven't ever created a language for a movie so I guess I shouldn't be so critical. Maybe that would be fun to do...not!

1 comment:

  1. God, you are such a nerd. And not just any nerd, but a nerd with WAY too much time on his hands.
