Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So I just read that Fox is planning on making another Zorro movie. Here's the kicker: It will take place in a post apocalyptic future. Um...I don't really know how I feel about this. Strangely, I really like Zorro. Now those of you who know me might think that's a little odd. I would agree with you. I mostly go for the elf, zombie, and cyborg movies. What is weird is that, though I absolutely hate westerns and cowboys, I love Zorro. I'm particularly fond of "Zorro the Gay Blade" and the Antonio Banderas Zorro movies. I just think that Zorro is a cool dude. Unfortunately, when I think about what it is about the character that I like, I come off sounding pretty into dudes. Things like the cool outfit, the whips....yikes. I think that Banderas was pretty awesome as Zorro...again...yikes. (Wait here a minute while I go look at hot naked babes on the interwebs...there..mmmm...boobies!)
I also freeking love post apocalyptic stories and movies. So really what is there to loose with this new Zorro movie? I dunno...I'm just not sold. So I'll be watching for more development on this movie. As with all new movie projects, I hope this one will be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. This one got me thinking...Wouldn't a movie where zombie elf cyborgs fought Nazis be awesome? We need more movie ideas that are just bug shit crazy like that.
